Annunci di Animali CUCCIOLI Cani e Gatti in REGALO

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Enna, 10/07/2023 - 17:10
abbiamo uccelli della massima qualità e prodotti per animali domestici essenziali per mantenerli sani e vivaci. abbiamo una vasta selezione di pappagalli tra cui parrocchetti, piccioncini, calopsitte, cenerini africani, tucani, cacatua, eclectus, conuri, lori e lorichetti e pappagalli. i pappagalli domestici, insieme a corvi, corvi, ghiandaie e gazze, sono tra gli uccelli più intelligenti e la capacità di alcune specie di imitare le voci umane è il motivo per cui sono così popolari come anima...
Aosta, 10/07/2023 - 17:02
ho un paio di pappagalli grigi africani maschi e femmine ben addomesticati, belli e sani per l'adozione. sono molto giocherelloni e non mordono. ottimi chiacchieroni e studenti veloci. ripeterebbero tutto ciò che sentono. sono cresciuti attorno a un cane e due gatti. hanno anche incontrato altri animali domestici e non ne sono stati spaventati perché hanno preso confidenza con cani e gatti. arrivano in una gabbia con giocattoli e certificati sanitari veterinari....
Regalo cucciolo di razza da privato
17/05/2024 | - Inserito Adesso
Tenero cucciolo in regalo con pedigree, fai click sul link per scoprire tutti i nostri annunci. Non solo cani e gatti in regalo...
Bolzano, 09/07/2023 - 20:30
coppia di pappagalli grigi africani disponibili per nuove case. testato e confermato sano...
Lecco, 21/06/2023 - 16:45
finally it is possible to have a cenerino who gets along with everyone, family members and strangers, who does not catch and is not afraid of objects and children, who can live in pairs continuing to relate to man! thanks to our innovative breeding techniques and the support we give to all our customers we are able to achieve these results, which until now were impossible. we are the only ones who can bring together all the owners in a single whatsapp group and in a weekly video conference, we c...
Trento, 21/06/2023 - 16:43
finally it is possible to have a cenerino who gets along with everyone, family members and strangers, who does not catch and is not afraid of objects and children, who can live in pairs continuing to relate to man! thanks to our innovative breeding techniques and the support we give to all our customers we are able to achieve these results, which until now were impossible. we are the only ones who can bring together all the owners in a single whatsapp group and in a weekly video conference, we c...
Regalo cucciolo di razza da privato
17/05/2024 | - Inserito Adesso
Tenero cucciolo in regalo con pedigree, fai click sul link per scoprire tutti i nostri annunci. Non solo cani e gatti in regalo...
Napoli, 21/06/2023 - 16:42
finally it is possible to have a cenerino who gets along with everyone, family members and strangers, who does not catch and is not afraid of objects and children, who can live in pairs continuing to relate to man! thanks to our innovative breeding techniques and the support we give to all our customers we are able to achieve these results, which until now were impossible. we are the only ones who can bring together all the owners in a single whatsapp group and in a weekly video conference, we c...
Bari, 21/06/2023 - 16:40
finally it is possible to have a cenerino who gets along with everyone, family members and strangers, who does not catch and is not afraid of objects and children, who can live in pairs continuing to relate to man! thanks to our innovative breeding techniques and the support we give to all our customers we are able to achieve these results, which until now were impossible. we are the only ones who can bring together all the owners in a single whatsapp group and in a weekly video conference, we...
Regalo cucciolo di razza da privato
17/05/2024 | - Inserito Adesso
Tenero cucciolo in regalo con pedigree, fai click sul link per scoprire tutti i nostri annunci. Non solo cani e gatti in regalo...
Torino, 21/06/2023 - 16:38
finally it is possible to have a cenerino who gets along with everyone, family members and strangers, who does not catch and is not afraid of objects and children, who can live in pairs continuing to relate to man! thanks to our innovative breeding techniques and the support we give to all our customers we are able to achieve these results, which until now were impossible. we are the only ones who can bring together all the owners in a single whatsapp group and in a weekly video conference, we...

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